This is The Mode Blue.
‘The Mode Blue' is a reference to 'blue notes' in a scale . . . and music as a universal language, or 'mode' . . . giving musicians and music lovers a 'meet in the middle' aspect in the micro of these middle notes, and the macro of every shared experience of a good performance. The song titles are evocative, as if you are listening to a soundtrack to a film.
The debut album originated from a series (25) of weekly social media posts commemorating the 25th birthday of a special instrument, a 1996 red Fender Stratocaster, between April and November 2021.
‘The Mode Blue' selects 10 from the short (less than one minute) format for development into multi-tracked songs. All prominently showcase the red Strat through a vintage Fender Deluxe Reverb amp. Among other special sounds.
After the release of ‘The Mode Blue,’ play began for a sequel album, with writing starting in January of 2022. The sequel album was to continue the style of ‘The Mode Blue’ with the introduction of new instruments. Notably, bass and slide guitar. This album, ‘The Mode Blue II,’ was recorded between November and December 2022, and also features 10 songs.
This is The Mode Blue. Enjoy.
January 11, 2022 and 2023
© 2021, 2022 Pep-In-Step-Tides Records